A Taste of Coffee

Photo by Anne Jones
Photo by Anne Jones

Recently we were finishing up the edit for the Peru mission promo and we had not been able to use all our footage of roasting coffee beans over an open fire.  Every time I get a taste of coffee I am reminded of that Peruvian coffee, so on a snowy Colorado day Stacie and I decided to do something about it.  Also, my beard was about as big as it was ever going to get- I cut my hair for the Amish film shoot earlier this week and now my beard has been trimmed within centimeters of its life- and we thought it would be good to record my beard growing skills for future generations before I cut it.

So here it is. A Taste of Coffee, wherein I make the astute observation that coffee freshly roasted and ground in Peru tastes better than coffee grounds in a tinfoil bag in Colorado. I also draw some parallels between the taste of coffee and other, more important, issues of life.


Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! – Psalms 34:8


Photo by Anne Jones
Peruvian Coffee Beans – Photo by Anne Jones
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1 thought on “A Taste of Coffee

  1. Stacey feland Reply

    I just want to thank you for allowing me to see how the Amish live. And I’m so thankful to GOD for taking care of my brothers and sisters in CHRIST. My favorite scripture is , well the whole Bible . Just keep reading the Bible I’m praying for you and the family. If you ever need help with work around your home, with cooking cleaning working I’m always available. And I would love to go to Bible study or Sunday church with your pastor dad. What a blessing to have parents as you have. GOD BLESS YOU!
    Stacey feland from California

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