Filming at Passages


Last month, we received an AMAZING blessing from the Lord.  We have begun work on our next film project, Breaking The Silence, and in the midst of all of the research, Joseph mentioned how nice it would be to film a Martin Luther Bible.  Around the same time, a friend told me about Passages – an incredible Bible history exhibit that was visiting Colorado Springs.  I looked on their website and discovered that they not only had 2 Martin Luther Bibles, but they also had a replica Guttenburg Press.

Guttenburg Press


Old Bibles


It all looked great, but the exhibit was almost finished with their time in CO, and it was a long shot to see if we could get permission in time.   Well, to make a short story even shorter, the staff at Passages were incredibly helpful and quick and in a matter of days, we had permission and a date set.


The Press was our favorite.  Joseph dressed up in costume and the helpful staff member showed him how to work it.  Because of the beautiful lighting already in the exhibit, it took us only 2 hours to film both the Bibles and the Press. The footage looks wonderful, but you’re going to have to wait for the movie before you can see it 🙂


Peter wanted to act in the movie too!


In the end, we both wished we had time to view the entire exhibit.  It looked SO interesting and family friendly.  They even had a whole section just for little kids.  They are now finished here in Colorado Springs, but check out their website and see if they moved near you.  They would definitely be worth visit.   I was told that even 3 hours was not enough time to see everything…



Blessings from snowy Colorado!


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