My Friend Austin

My friend Austin Mullet went to be with Jesus on Sunday night around eight o’clock. I first saw Austin on the night I surrendered my life to the ministry of Jesus Christ in the summer of ’95. At the time he was just a baby and had recently survived a heart transplant. As he grew older I was inspired by the faith his family radiated.

As a baby, Austin received a heart transplant at 8 months old. At age six and seven he survived two differentAustinMullet_0216 kinds of cancers back to back. Several surgeries and some episodes of rejection have also been a part of his journey. More recently Austin was in the hospital from Nov 11, 2009 to March 1st 2010 with congestive heart failure. At that time he received his second heart transplant.

On September 16th of this year the Mullet family was ministering in Lott Texas. I was inspired not only by Duane and Cindy, but by Austin himself. After the concert I helped Austin break down the sound equipment and pack it up while his parents ministered to people. I really enjoyed visiting with Austin. Before the evening was over I asked his sister Brianna to take a picture of us. I am glad that I did.

On Sunday evening when I heard that Austin had gone to be with the Lord I walked outside under the stars. I thought of his family and what they are feeling now. But then in my mind’s eye I saw a smile on Austin’s face as he gazed into the face of Jesus. So often his family had talked about this- this moment when one of them would be torn away from the earthly family to be with Jesus. That night when they were in Texas Duane shared with us how the family often talked about which one of them would see Jesus first. With the medical issues faced by Alisha and Austin, it could have been any one of them. Sometime ago the Mullets had a miscarriage, afterward Austin came to his dad and said, “Well, now we know which of our family saw Jesus first.”

On Sunday night Austin became the second in the immediate family to see Jesus. And although the thought that he is gone made me cry the fact that he is with Jesus makes me happy for Austin. One day I too shall pass that way…

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away.”
-Revelation 21:4

Here is a link to a page where Austin and his family have been sharing his story:

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